Sunday, April 29, 2007

miror miror on the wall, who is the most notorious of them all?

Let us first define who are the criminals in the cases that i have identified as notorious and inhumane. For the rape in Nanjing, the criminals here are mostly the generals who allowed such an atrocity to take place and the soldiers who seem to be 'carrying out orders'. As for child abuse, the criminals here are parents and traffickers of child prostitutes. Needless to say, Mao Mao's ill-treatment of the people is none other then Mr Mao himself. (applause...) In fact there is no achievement and nothing to be proud about for being the mastermind of these atrocities.

To me, i feel that the most notorious crime here is the abuse of children. Out of all the different kinds of abuse a child can receive, the most notorious one is the sexual abuse of the child. In my previous blog entry on child prostitution, i have already posted the horrifying acts done by men to children and deep feelings of the child. This atrocity is the worse because it is a conspiracy of silence and this crime is not easily curbed.

Though it may be argued that the rape in Nanjing and the human torture in China has a more disastrous and dire impact on the people, these crimes are those in the past and they can be put to stop with measures taken such as the overthrowing of Mao Mao and the confrontation by other Nations to Japan. Whereas the crime of child abuse, especially child prostitution, is hard to stop as it is a conspiracy between men and the authorities. Also, the children are innocent parties being betrayed by loved ones or trusted people.

In all cases, all the victims have livid and vivid memory of the hurtful past. However the Japanese minister has already adressed the issue of comfort women and apologised for the harm caused. Also, China is no longer in the state whereby people are being thrown into torture camps and having their organs trafficked. Child prostitution on the other hand is an upcoming crime which is hard to curb. Hence i feel that child abuse is the most notorious crime which attention needs to be given to. It will be unfair to the victims of atrocities but let us learn from our mistakes and live in harmony. a bloody affair is uncalled for. it will not do anyone good.

some research reflecting the violence of humans(continued...)

Mao Ze Dong and his sweet smile as millions starve
Chairman Mao is responsible for the death of millions from starvation, for countless being banished into camps and for their execution. In the front of the camp's gate writes, 'Arbeit Macht Frei' meaning, 'labour makes a new life'. what irony we have here!! Harry Wu has done an indept study of the Holocaust, including the deaths in Buchenwald, Dachau and Sacenhausen. Wu visited the dormitory of the prisoners. Where 500-600 of them crowed and slept together. Where the people get 5minutes a day to use the so called toilet and then get out. Hundreds of people waiting for the use of dirty water. In China, there are no gas chambers like those in Hitler's times. Instead their enemies and troublesome people would be placed in camps to work and when a war breaks out these people are killed as they are of no use.

While the Nazis would subject their prisoners to 'human experiments' which often led to death, the Chinese traffic human organs. The Chinese physicians saw this as a necessity of achieving a higher goal.

Another example of this human torture is Pol Pot's 'Super Great Leap Forward' for Cambodia. Pol Pot wants to exterminate all forms of western influence and was in favour of an extreme form of peasant communism. Cambodia was then sealed from the outside World. Millions of Cambodians were then being forced to be slaves at Pol Pot's 'killing fields' where they soon begin dying from malnutrition, overwork and a disease. (On a diet of 180 grams of rice per person daily) Work in the field starts at 4am to 10pm with only 2 rest periods. The crops grown were confiscated on harvest and those starving were not allowed to eat the harvest. Every year people are killed to eliminate remnants of the 'old society'. Ex-soldiers and anyone disloyal to Pol Pot would be killed with their families.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

some research reflecting the violence of humans

One of the most serious case was the rape in NanJing, China during WWII.(1937 and 1938) The Japanese were responsible for the massive levels of rape among the Chinese population. over 20,000 women were raped and when soldiers were not raping women, they took great pleasure in forcing fathers to rape their daughters and sons to rape their mothers. in total it is estimated that 80,000 women were raped.-shocking huh?
During the last months of WWII, millions of women were raped by Russian soldiers. As soon as the Red Army entered into East Prussia and Silesia, female aged from 10 to 80 were raped. Anthony Beevor wrote in his book titled, Berlin-- the downfall 1945, that he was shaken to the core to discover that even their own Russian and Polish women that were liberated from German concentration camps were violated.
Other cases includes:
1994: Rwanda, Hutu leaders ordered their troops to rape Tutsi women as part of their genocidial campaign
1998: Indonesia security forces allegedly raped ethnic Chinese women during a spate of major rioting
More than 20,000 Muslim girls and women were raped during the religiously motivated atrocities in the formerYugoslavia in Bosnia. Their aim was to make women pregnant and raise their child as Serbs. Another was to terrorize women to make them flee the country.

physical abuse
  1. unexplained or repeated injuries such as bruises or burns
  2. injuries with the shape of the object such as the buckle of the belt
  3. injuries not likely to happen given the age or ability of the child (child who is unable to walk having broken bones)
  4. Disagreement between child and parent explanation of injury
  5. unreasonable explanation of injury
  6. obvious neglect of the child (malnutritioned, inappropriate clothes, lack of dental or health care etc)
  7. fearful behaviour
In a government study, two out of every three children are physically abused

Emotional abuse
  1. agressive or withdrawn behavior
  2. shying away from contact with parents or adults
  3. afraid to go home
Sexual abuse
  1. child tells that he/she was sexually harrased
  2. physical signs (difficulty in walking or sitting etc)
  3. behavioral signs (withdrawing from activities in class)
  • Commissioned by the Ministry of Women and Child development, the studies say that 53% of surveyed children reported one or more forms of sexual abuse
  • Studies also showed that almost 53,000 children died worldwide as a result of homicide.
  • Up to 80-98% of children suffer from physical punishment at home, a third or more suffering much more severe punishment.
  • 150 million girls and73 million boys under the age of 18 experienced forced intercourse or sexual violence during 2002.
  • between 100 to 140 million women in the world have gone through some form of genital mutilation. in Egypt, sub-sahara Africa and Sudan, 3 million women are subjected to this mutilation
  • 1.8 million children were forces into prostitution and 1.2 million were victims of trafficking
Children will suffer and showcase some behavorial, emotional and physical effects. such as, depression, low self-esteem, alientaion from others, injury, death,delinquency, suicidal attempts, agressive behaviour etc

Sunday, April 22, 2007

is capital punishment justifiable???

Capital punishment is known as the death penalty mainly for unpardonable crimes such as murder, trafficking and taking of drugs and kidnapping of others. i feel that capital punishment is justifiable as these are the crimes that destroy or violate human rights.
Others may disagree to my point about punishing murderers in such a brutal way. as they may argue that it is a violation of human rights of the murderer and that it cannot bring the dead back to life by taking the life of the murderer. If it is seen as a violation of human rights, then what gives the convict the authority to violate the victim's human rights? if so, then shouldn't judges be, too, given this same authority? Also, capital punishment acts as a deterrence to those who intend to violate the rights of fellow human beings. And once the criminal is executed and buried, there is no further maintenance cost to the state.
Again, these statements may cause a controversy among people. they may argue that we should be merciful and that convicts should be given a second chance. such a project can be seen from the yellow ribbon project whereby criminals are given opportunities to learn skills so that they can be accepted into the society once more. However, as the saying goes, "a leopard doesn't changes it spots". As statistics proves that 30% of prisoners are not first time offenders and they cannot change their behaviour. Hence, by keeping them or by trying to help them change for the better is merely a waste of the state's resources. the yellow ribbon project is only for thoses who have committed crimes that are not serious such as stealing and thus does not apply to those facing capital punishment.
Hence, my stand is that capital punishment is justified. Just do good and you wont have to face issues pertaining to these :)

Sunday, April 15, 2007

the most disappointing act of mankind

man has been deemed as the most successful and ethical in their dealings in the world. but it is saddening and terrifying to know that this is all but a pack of lies. yes, mankind is indeed successful, for example, in the invention of light bulbs and aeroplanes. but there is another kind of success which is ugly and shocking to reveal. the success of trafficing thousands of innocent and helpless children to be sex slaves.
many children are betrayed by their trusted love ones to be sold just to get that little money for the family. others are coaxed and conned into going overseas for better prospects in life. little did they realise that it is all a lie. what is more horrifying is that the police are paid to let brothels operated for every minute that they are in business. bribery is incresingly popular with judges and police officers that it is hard to find someone to trust. isn't it scary to know that law enforcers, instead of enforcing the law, are actually the ones breaking it? there is also another new service that has been offered by trafficers. that is to bring the young ones to the men who 'ordered' them. this will only increase the demand for child prostitution.
these acts of mankind, (sex trafficking of children, accepting bribery and no enforcement of law) are selfish as they hurt children physically and mentally. it was reported on the Oprah show that children hate their forced lifestyle and are humiliated by their life. and those who were saved by relatives actually have mixed feelings about returning home. as they are from poor and conservative communities, their family members may find it hard to accept them and this will bring psychological hurt to them. they may even feel dirty and detest their life. the kids have done no wrong to deserve these shattered lives that they own. is the faults of manipulative grown ups that ruins their simple, though hard, life. this silent conspiracy between men must stop and the society should expose this as a shameful and sinful crime. poverty is the cause of the problem and governments should seriously give thoughts about ending this undesirable and shameful sin by toughen up law enforcement, obviously with people who do not take bribes and perhaps under some watch dog organization, and by improving the lives of the poor so that they will not resort to this means to get money for their daily necessities. children have their basic human rights too. who are we to deny them of it? this is the failure of mankind.

wanna change of face??

Visit South Korea then and poof! you may come out looking ravishing with the looks you desire.
plastic surgery is an increasing trend mostly among girls and sadly, parents in more liberal countries are encouraging their kids to alter their looks. Going under the knife has detrimental effects on both the society as well as the individual. perhaps it is due to the advances in technology and the media that has prompted audiences to look at skin deep beauty. Artists appearing on TV with huge eyes, double eyelids, showcasing their barbie doll figure can awe girls (especially) and implant thoughts of going for plastic surgery. Although it is argued that technology is so advance so why worry? but we all cannot deny the fact that there will be a certain amount of risks when we undergo whatever surgery.
The world has been such a disappointment. they have let the standards of beauty drop drastically. so much so that the inner beauty is no longer appreciated and valued. the first thing people appeal to is the looks of the other individual. it was once said by a lady who was featured on a show 'extreme makeover' that her boss hired her not to meet clients but only to converse on the phone with clients. Has outer beauty triumphed over inner beauty? is the world stereotyping not so appealing people? everyone is unique in their own way. just like what the dove shampoo advertised, beauty is only but skin deep. hence we should not shun and judge those with not so privilledged looks.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

How ethical is YouTube in its dealings in the media industry??

On ethical basis, i personally feel that YouTube is not ethical in their dealings in the media industry. The biggest threat for YouTube as stated by TIMES, is the potential lawsuits from content providers who could claim that the site is enabling thieves. And although YouTube replied by publicizing agreements it has made with media companies to legally show video clips, they will only remove videos only when copyright holders complain. People can upload shows and movies and as long as all keeps mum, others can view them. Then does that mean that YouTube is encouraging piracy? Since they do not prescreen their uploads people would prefer to watch it off YouTube. The increased sharing of videos have led to piracy and lack of censorship which may have an adverse effect on the youths. Equipped with IT skills, youngsters can log into the site and be exposed to inappropriate content. Although YouTube claims that they will remove any videos upon complain but will this be efficient and practical? By the time the clip has been removed, there are already a certain percentage of people who have seen it. Hence i feel that it is the responsibility of the person who uploads the video to take into consideration the masses that will be viewing his/her posted videos. However one thing good about the site is that it does not allow viewers to download that particular (let's say a segment from the movie) video posted and hence may be deemed as ethical to a samll extent.

To what extent has the emergence of YouTuBe changed our medium of entertainment??

I would say that the emergence of YouTube has changed our medium of entertainment to a large extent. In the past, it was only live performances that people could catch. Followed by inventions of televisions and computers.With the emergence of YouTube, a site for easy sharing of videos and no downloading of any software nor registering needed, people can get video clips of their choices and even share it with their friends. Statistics have shown that visits to has increased by ten times indicating that YouTube is increasingly popular. The public visits this site to either catch a past drama series, certain parts of a movie (such as grease lightning) or simply to get a good laugh at the jokes filmed by the famous, or should i say infamous, Ms Swan. Which means you can spend hours on YouTube for entertainment. I would say that in time to come, YouTube can replace our televisions and radios. But, not completely. Some recent programs cannot be caught first hand on YouTube because the videos are those uploaded by people who would record the show before posting it up. So in order to watch a live telecast performance , one still has to fix their eyes on the TV. One thing about YouTube is that the site does not prescreen uploads. Hence videos that defame the government or jeopardize social cohesion may be seen on the site and this does not do any good for the society. Yes, it is true that laughter is the best medicine. Nevertheless, i feel that we should know our limits in everything that we do.