Sunday, April 29, 2007

some research reflecting the violence of humans(continued...)

Mao Ze Dong and his sweet smile as millions starve
Chairman Mao is responsible for the death of millions from starvation, for countless being banished into camps and for their execution. In the front of the camp's gate writes, 'Arbeit Macht Frei' meaning, 'labour makes a new life'. what irony we have here!! Harry Wu has done an indept study of the Holocaust, including the deaths in Buchenwald, Dachau and Sacenhausen. Wu visited the dormitory of the prisoners. Where 500-600 of them crowed and slept together. Where the people get 5minutes a day to use the so called toilet and then get out. Hundreds of people waiting for the use of dirty water. In China, there are no gas chambers like those in Hitler's times. Instead their enemies and troublesome people would be placed in camps to work and when a war breaks out these people are killed as they are of no use.

While the Nazis would subject their prisoners to 'human experiments' which often led to death, the Chinese traffic human organs. The Chinese physicians saw this as a necessity of achieving a higher goal.

Another example of this human torture is Pol Pot's 'Super Great Leap Forward' for Cambodia. Pol Pot wants to exterminate all forms of western influence and was in favour of an extreme form of peasant communism. Cambodia was then sealed from the outside World. Millions of Cambodians were then being forced to be slaves at Pol Pot's 'killing fields' where they soon begin dying from malnutrition, overwork and a disease. (On a diet of 180 grams of rice per person daily) Work in the field starts at 4am to 10pm with only 2 rest periods. The crops grown were confiscated on harvest and those starving were not allowed to eat the harvest. Every year people are killed to eliminate remnants of the 'old society'. Ex-soldiers and anyone disloyal to Pol Pot would be killed with their families.

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