Sunday, April 8, 2007

To what extent has the emergence of YouTuBe changed our medium of entertainment??

I would say that the emergence of YouTube has changed our medium of entertainment to a large extent. In the past, it was only live performances that people could catch. Followed by inventions of televisions and computers.With the emergence of YouTube, a site for easy sharing of videos and no downloading of any software nor registering needed, people can get video clips of their choices and even share it with their friends. Statistics have shown that visits to has increased by ten times indicating that YouTube is increasingly popular. The public visits this site to either catch a past drama series, certain parts of a movie (such as grease lightning) or simply to get a good laugh at the jokes filmed by the famous, or should i say infamous, Ms Swan. Which means you can spend hours on YouTube for entertainment. I would say that in time to come, YouTube can replace our televisions and radios. But, not completely. Some recent programs cannot be caught first hand on YouTube because the videos are those uploaded by people who would record the show before posting it up. So in order to watch a live telecast performance , one still has to fix their eyes on the TV. One thing about YouTube is that the site does not prescreen uploads. Hence videos that defame the government or jeopardize social cohesion may be seen on the site and this does not do any good for the society. Yes, it is true that laughter is the best medicine. Nevertheless, i feel that we should know our limits in everything that we do.

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